The Tystelgorm wreck is a real must have for divers. Among all the Red Sea dive sites in the vicinity of Sharm el Sheikh, it is deservedly considered by many divers to be the best recreational diving site in the world. The location of the ship is Gobal Strait, north of Ras Mohammed Park, at a distance of about 30 km from the coast. There are no visible landmarks on the surface of the sea, so the wreck is searched for by ship's instruments. But there are always enough people willing to dive here.

Корабль Тистельгорм

For those who want to rendezvous with the legendary rack, Easy Divers Diving Club offers to enjoy diving at Tistelgorm accompanied by experienced instructors. We organize trips to famous locations, rent professional diving equipment, conduct training courses for beginners and experienced divers in Egypt.

Дайвинг Тистельгорм

How Thistlegorm sank

Tystlegorm means “Blue Thistle”. The ship is an English dry cargo ship 129 meters long, which sank in 1941. The ship went to the bottom together with weapons, military equipment, transported for the needs of the British army in North Africa, falling under the air attack of the Germans.

From the enemy raid in one of the holds exploded carried ammunition, because of which the ship broke into two parts and quickly went to the bottom. One of the features of the location - well-preserved cargo: even now on the deck are clearly distinguishable cars, motorcycles, trucks, as well as weapons, a huge arsenal of explosives. Two light tanks, steam locomotives, four cars of the railway train give a special flavor to the object.

The stern part of the Tystelgorm is located 15 meters away from the rest of the ship. Here you can see artillery and anti-aircraft guns, a powerful propeller propeller. Over the years of being underwater, the remains of the ship have turned into an artificial reef on the sand, attracting many fish and other marine life.

затонувший корабль Тистлегорм

Dive Features

Diving on Tystelgorm on a day program includes two dives, organized in such a way that during one dive you can see the exterior of the ship and during the second dive you can explore the holds, where you will find a lot of interesting things that can surprise even experienced divers.

Diving on a sunken dry cargo ship can be compared to going to a huge army warehouse hidden underwater. The exploded bomb has created chaos, but the transported cargo is perfectly preserved: SUVs, trucks, motorcycles, uniforms, aircraft parts are clearly visible and recognizable when exploring the rack.

Easy Divers diving club invites explorers of sea depths and fans of active rest for new impressions. Dives are accompanied by experienced instructors with special equipment. Amazing beauties of the Red Sea and its endless mysteries and riddles are waiting for you.

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